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Zef's Coney Restaurant

660 Woodward Ave Detroit MI 48226
(313) 962-2077
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What the community has to say about Zef's Coney Restaurant

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Average Rating

I work in the building and tried Zef's one time. That was enough.
The dining area is not very clean so that should have been a red flag.
I ordered breakfast for lunch and it appeared to be going well until I lifted the pancake on the bottom of my stack in order to butter it and found a fairly...

Average Rating

It goes to show that cheap priced food can be done well and nutritious as well.
We had hotdogs and burgers to be sure, with fries, but it was very inexpensive, fresh and service was very efficient. Highly reccomended.

Business description (1)

Zef's Coney Restaurant promises good food, relaxing surroundings and great service at a price that won't break your budget. Our friendly staff will prepare your dishes with a smile, and serve you food you are sure to enjoy, and all at a price that you and your family can afford. So, if you are looking for Detroit's answer to fine dining at a better price, be sure to stop into Zef's Coney...

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