Status: Open
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Help us make it rightThe best!!!!
This doctor is a smug jerk. His bed-side manner is awful. He acted like I was totally putting him out by being there. And when you don't feel good that really sucks! If I ever had a serious life or death emergency I would definitely not want him to be my doctor. The nurse was great though and the facility is really nice!!
Dr. T is the best! After 8 years of military doctors it's so nice to be treated as an equal again and to have really good care.
Dr. Mooradian assessed and treated my daughter's condition rather quickly. We felt that he would have taken as long as necessary to figure out what was wrong, though. He explained my daughter's condition to her very thoroughly and made sure that we both understood. He also wrote down all important medical terms and made sure all our questions were answered. I highly, highly recommend Dr....
He is wonderful!!! Anytime we have a question he contacts is back right away, when our son has an appointment it is always time, his bedside manner is great! He doesn't make us feel like he wants to hurry up and get us out of there. He has always told us the worst and best case scenarios, not what"will" happen with my son's heart but what could whether good or bad. He is by far a favorite of...
Dr. Stephen Mooradian, MD is a board certified pediatric cardiologist in Des Moines, Iowa. He is currently licensed to practice medicine in Iowa. He is affiliated with Iowa Lutheran Hospital.
Dr. Stephen Mooradian, MD practices medicine at Des moines, Iowa and specializes in pediatric cardiology, pediatric nurse practitioner, pediatric physical therapy, pediatrics, respiratory therapist, certified neonatal/pediatrics, and respiratory therapist, registered neonatal/pediatrics.
Dr. Mooradian is licensed to see patients in Iowa.
Dr. Mooradian has been found during an automated...
Pediatric Surgery is located at 801 7th Ave, Fort Worth, TX..
Susan Rutherford, MD practices as an OBGYN in Des Moines, IA.She graduated from Univ Of Wa Sch Of Med, Seattle Wa 98195.
To see if this provider is board certified go to There are 4 doctors at this site. Surgery is not performed at this site.
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