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William M Morris MD

85 High St Buffalo NY 14203
(716) 857-8659
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If you want to be just a number in an assembly line. With no compassion. This is your guy. Also performs patient abandonment

Average Rating

Dr. Morris and his PA Amy are both very compassionate and patient, taking as much time as needed to answer your questions. During my angioplasty, which was done at Gates Vascular, Dr. Morris even took the time to explain what he was doing to me(when I was "with it" enough to comprehend)! I am now home, and doing well, thanks to Dr. Morris, his wonderful team, and the excellent staff at Gates!

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Dr. Wagmarae is compassionate and highly skilled. He has been able to relieve the pain in my foot by prescribing a compound cream rather than pain killers taken orally that go through the blood stream and can become addictive.

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Dr waghmarae doesn't listen or take time with you. The office is so dirty and disgusting! Office staff is rude! You can never get anyone on the phone if you call. I wouldn't recommend this Dr to anyone. Look elsewhere.

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Recently had a coronary Angiogram performed by Dr. Morris. Was very pleased with the way he did the procedure.

Business description (1)

Morris William M MD is located at 85 High St, Buffalo, NY. This location is in the Medical Park neighborhood. This business specializes in Doctors & Clinics and General Practice Medicine.

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