Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightThe physicians at Preferred Medical Associates-Wichita OB/GYN Associates are the most experienced physicians in the area with an impeccable reputation for empathetic delivery of quality care for our patients.175020ATTR:HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPYPHYSICIANS & SURGEONS GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS
Obstetrics & Gynecology Women's Health Care
Dr. Feuille is an amazing doctor. He truly listens. He's also willing to think outside the typical MD box if needed. He is very respectful.
When I became pregnant with my first child I asked the other nurses who worked in labor and delivery who would be a great doctor to choose and they recommended Dr. Feuille. They were absolutely correct!!! He delivered both of my children. Yes, they were born via C-section. The first one was because of fetal distress. He has delivered two healthy babies for me. He has now delivered one...
Caring and professional always group of best OB-GYN's in Wichita here!
They told me not to shake the baby.
Q: Does this OBGYN check your records before they get in the exam room so they remember who you are?
A: Yes
Q: Were you glad that you had the appointment with your provider?
A: Yes
Q: Was the provider's staff welcoming to you?
A: Yes
Q: Was the music playing while you waited or during your visit pleasant to you?
A: Very
Q: Does this OBGYN seem compassionate?
A: Absolutely
* Obstetrics & Gynecology Women's Health Care
Wichita Ob/Gyn Associates PA is located at 551 N Hillside St Ste 510, Wichita, KS. This business specializes in Women's Health.
Obstetrics & Gynecology Women's Health Care
Dr Feuille has not yet shared his bio with us.
Dr Douthit has not yet shared his bio with us.
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