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Help us make it rightAt Whole Body Wellness Center we want you to be 100% happy with your care!
Whole Body Wellness is a professional group of Doctors of Chiropractic working together to provide you with outstanding health and wellness care. In practice, as well as online, we strive for excellence through superior patient treatment, education, and satisfaction.
Get Well, Stay Well!
I am always greeted by friendly and helpful people. The atmosphere is calm and positive.
The girls at the front desk are so friendly and helpful!
How I met Dr. Randy Frigaard was at church. While working in the nursery, holding babies, my back went out. Dr. Randy was pulled out of church service and adjusted my back on a bench in the lobby! I would not have made it home without the adjustment! Never needing an adjustment before, that was my introduction into Chiropractic Care!...
Every visit I have at Whole Body Wellness is a joyful experience! I absolutely LOVE the NutriMost program and
I appreciate the warm, friendly staff who helps and encourages my progress! At the end of my last visit yesterday
I unfortunately discovered that my car battery was dead & Suzie was a total angel and helped me out by jump-starting
my car! Thank you so very much Susie for being...
There is very little wait and staff and Doctor are friendly and professional.
I am very pleased with the treatment I received at Whole Body Wellness -- especially Shirley Barber.
We are in the business of helping you achieve all of your healthcare goals! We offer chiropractic care and the Nutrimost Fat Loss System!
At the chiropractic office of Dr. Randy Frigaard, Dr. Devern Mendenhall, and Dr. Ted Pena, we are committed to better health and wellness for each patient. Having trained in the most up-to-date chiropractic procedures and techniques used by chiropractors today, you can be assured that your health is in good hands. Dr. Frigaard, Dr. Mendenhall, Dr. Pena and staff are dedicated to your wellness...
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