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Westbrook Care Center

401 Platte Clay Way Kearney MO 64060
(816) 628-2222
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What the community has to say about Westbrook Care Center

Information about this business (3)

Whether you're looking for an independent living experience or something with a little more hands-on care, Westbrook is for you. Since 1995 we have committed ourselves to providing the highest quality care for our residents, along with the cleanest facilities around. Come visit us today...

We want you and your family to have well-rounded, happy, and healthy lives. That's why Westbrook Care Center works so hard to raise the bar for Kearney, MO Assisted-Living standards.

Westbrook's architecture was designed with the individual in mind to enhance special care in a clean and homelike atmosphere.

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YellowBot member reviews (11)

Reviewed Business
Westbrook Care Center
Reviewer Name
James Krenkel
Review Date
July 17, 2018
Average Rating

A Nice Place for My Mom

My mom gets everything she needs whenever she needs it. The food is excellent, the place is nice, and they keep it clean.

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Reviewed Business
Westbrook Care Center
Reviewer Name
Beth Crowell
Review Date
April 11, 2018
Average Rating

My mom is happy there!

The staff are always very nice and kind to the residents. Steve and Amy are wonderful people and my mom is happy there!

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Reviewed Business
Westbrook Care Center
Reviewer Name
Review Date
January 10, 2018
Average Rating

Westbrook always goes out of their way!

The staff at Westbrook always goes out of their way. Steve and Amy are great. Steve has always been so accommodating. It’s not about the money for them. They are a special bunch up there.

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Reviewed Business
Westbrook Care Center
Reviewer Name
Review Date
January 10, 2018
Average Rating

My mom loves Westbrook

It's been really comforting for me to know that my mother has excellent care. She feels that everyone at Westbrook is her friend and she loves them very much. We have been lucky to find a place that is convenient, run very well, and that has done so much for her and for me. Our overall experience at Westbrook has been fantastic.

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Other reviews from the web (54) view all

A Nice Place for My Mom

Average Rating

My mom gets everything she needs whenever she needs it. The food is excellent, the place is nice, and they keep it clean.

My mom is happy there!

Average Rating

The staff are always very nice and kind to the residents. Steve and Amy are wonderful people and my mom is happy there.

Westbrook always goes out of their way!

Average Rating

The staff at Westbrook always goes out of their way. Steve and Amy are great. Steve has always been so accommodating. It’s not about the money for them. They are a special bunch up there.

Excellent care for my mom

Average Rating

It's been really comforting for me to know that my mother has excellent care. She feels that everyone at Westbrook is her friend and she loves them very much. We have been lucky to find a place that is convenient, run very well, and that has done so much for her and for me. Our overall experience at Westbrook has been fantastic.

Wonderful Caring Staff

Average Rating

My Mother-in-law was a recent resident of Westbrook. During my visits with her, I was able to see for myself the staff, the care, the facility and how it operates. During the 40 plus years I've worked in the Medical field, I have never witnessed such caring and committed staff members. The entire staff at Westbrook not only sets the example,, THERE ARE THE EXAMPLE ! Everyone there is a...

Business description (5)

Whether you're looking for an independent living experience or something with a little more hands-on care, Westbrook is for you. Since 1995 we have committed ourselves to providing the highest quality care for our residents, along with the cleanest facilities around. Come visit us today...

Westbrook Care Center is a Independent Living facility at 401 S Platte Clay Way in Kearney, MO.

Westbrook Care Center can be found at Platte Clay Way 401. The following is offered: Retirement Communities, Hospice Care. The entry is present with us since Sep 9, 2010 and was last updated on Oct 17, 2014. In Kearney there are 1 other Hospice Care. An overview can be found here.

Westbrook Care Center, Inc, located in Kearney, Missouri provides the following services: Assisted Living, Senior Community, Micro-Community: Residential Care Facility, and Short Term Care: Rehabilitation, Respite. It accepts the following payment methods: Veteran's Benefits. Accommodations at Westbrook Care Center, Inc, start at $1,725 a month. Westbrook Care Center, Inc has a very good...

We want you and your family to have well-rounded, happy, and healthy lives. That's why Westbrook Care Center works so hard to raise the bar for Kearney, MO Assisted Living standards.

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