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Help us make it rightRestaurant Supplies and Restaurant Equipment
Order restaurant supplies and restaurant equipment from the leading US restaurant supply company: Wasserstrom.109360ATTR:PHOTO CENTERBAKERYGROCERIES
Order restaurant supplies and restaurant equipment from the leading US restaurant supply company Wasserstrom
This is a review of their website, not the brick & mortar store. All I can say is slow, slow, slow. In this day & age, there is no reason for a 2 week, let alone a month-long lead-time for...
The retail space for Wasserstrom moved from this location to Silver Dr. and the North Market, years ago.Foodies and Home Cooks: This is a great place to find restaurant supplies, even if you're just cooking for a large group or family!I love my commercial baking pans, spoodles, serving dishes, to go boxes and more! Makes me feel like a pro.
Ordered thru Amazon with Wasserstrom being the better like what you get cause these folks don't do well in the return category..even after they get the merchandise back good luck getting your refund. I would never order anything from them again.
Since 1902 the company has been providing Wholesale - Restaurant Supplies.
Additional information is available at or by contacting Michelle Milby at (614) 737-8472.
The Wasserstrom Company provides foodservice smallwares and restaurant equipment to food service industry. The company offers numerous product lines including smallwares and equipment. The smallware line includes china, glass, flatware, first aid supplies, office supplies, merchandising and janitorial supplies. Its equipment line includes display cases, ventilation systems, worktables, sinks,...
Wasserstrom is a supplier and distributor of food service supplies and equipment.
Service establishment equipment
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