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482 Southbridge St Ste 4 Auburn MA 01501
(508) 721-9600
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Ik ben de broer van Martina (jammer genoeg). Alles wat geschreven is herken ik. Martina lijdt aan hoogmoeds waanzin en geeft altijd anderen de schuld van haar onmacht/falen. Trap asjeblief niet in haar mooie woorden, haar uiterlijk (dit voor 50 plussers) en al het andere uiterlijk  en verbaal vertoon. Ze is een wolf in schaaapskleren.In Spanje is ze uitgekakt en daarna heeft ze haar toevlucht...

Martina Van Deun Continues To Lie Through Her Teeth

Martina Van Deun hates the truth so chooses to respond by lying. As previously stated, "All of the above statements are true and I can prove all of it as I have witnesses, video footage and voice recordings" so her claim that my report is not truthful is in fact, just another lie. Feel free to ask Martina what proof she has to back up her claims and don't be surprised when she tells you that...

UPS Finds In My Favor But Some Hard Lessons

This is an update to my report about a shipment damaged and then UPS failing to act on it.
After a week spent hounding UPS, I finally got a phone call from someone at UPS. She didn't understand why UPS had failed to act on my claim for the last 2 months nor why their tracking record showed that they had begun the investigation when they hadn't. She said she would follow up to insure it was...

Freedom of speech or Freedom of expression for mentally disturbed persons?

First of all I, the person mentioned in this article, state that all comments in this article are not thruthful. This report hasn't been reported by the company, but by a mentally disturbed client who was not happy that after a "management-free stay" of about 1 1/2 month, finally the company decided to contract a manager to control the business. Obviously the client lost control over her...

Good news and bad news.

I operate a shipping business similar to UPS Stores. Those businesses are typically decent, but I prefer mine (slight bias). A month is too long to conclude a claim, whether approved or not. That's the bad news, but you already knew that. 
It doesn't say specifically, but I will assume that you paid The UPS Store to create a label, rather than using one that the repair shop gave you. If this...

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