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UA Citiplace Stadium 11
Went the other day to see "Green Lantern".OMG 2 med soda large popcorn,18.50$+.Sat in for the movie,arm rest were very close together,Sunk right down to the wood (seat and back).The movie was like … Went the other day to see "Green Lantern".OMG 2 med soda large popcorn,18.50$+.Sat in for the movie,arm rest were very close together,Sunk right down to the wood (seat and back).The movie was like...
"SHOCKED" doesn't come close to explaining how I felt when I read the $4.25 price tag for a small soda. Note to self, "eat and drink well before going to the movie".
Jesus christ, since when did Citiplace become ghetto? I remember when this theatre opened in the late 90's and it was the place to go to watch movies. Now it is just a crappy shell of its former…
For quite a while, this has been my favorite theatre. I was so disappointed to sit in a dirty area of left behind cups and paper. The location is still great. They simply need to clean up between movies.
This is the oldest cinema in Baton Rouge and it shows. The seats are not as comfortable and it's not a plush as the other cinemas. Some of the screens have blemishes. At least one screen was severly damaged from a hurricane that happened more than a year ago. This screen has three large rips that distract the viewer. The theatre gets one star because of it's location in the middle of Baton...
11 - 15 Screens
Citiplace 11 can be found at Citiplace Blvd 2610. The following is offered: Theaters. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Baton Rouge there are 8 other Theaters. An overview can be found here.
Over 10 movies are shown at this Fandango movie theater.
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