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Help us make it rightCommunity Involvement
TUFF SHED has a rich history of community involvement, including discounting display buildings to local community-based organizations,
working with community education programs, and promoting volunteerism amongst employees.
I have nothing but raves for this company! They are wonderful, workers are extrememly nice and nothing but excellence about them. I am extremely happy and have referred them to other people.
They were able to have my Tuff Shed up in one day. They pre-painted it and it was exactly what we wanted and even used some of my left over roof shingles so it would match my roof on my house. Very, very pleased.
They were exvellent! I would definitely recommend them.
Tuff Shed Inc is located at 816 Highway 49 in Flora and has been in the business of Retail - Outdoor And Garden Furniture since 2009.
Tuff Shed Inc is located at 4853 Madison St, Flora, MS. This location is in the Flora neighborhood..
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