Status: Open
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Help us make it rightI have never used a moving company before and was a little nervous in calling around to find a mover. I had made several calls to differnt companies in town and was very pleased with the way I was treated by the salesperson at Tom Movers & Relocation so I really recommend them to anyone I know
I recently moved and I tend to move a lot because of my job. Every second year I am in a new city now because I move so often I need the services of reliable company, I simply don't have the time to…
I am going to make this review short because it's all very simple really. So I had to move because of my job. I had to use a moving company because I didn't want to rent a truck and because I had too much stuff to do it all alone.
In short, the estimate was right on with the actual price I paid, they were timely (even a few hours early), all my stuff was accounted for, and all of my stuff was...
The moving team that moved me this week was by far the most professional and courteous crew that has ever moved us.They were very careful with all of our belongings and made the entire process a pleasure to top it all of, the move was completed an hour less then it was estimated and we have paid less then we budgeted for.
Tom Movers & Relocation is located at 310 Clanton Rd, Charlotte, NC. This business specializes in Trucks and Storage.
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