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Help us make it rightVery professional. Took time to explain my procedure and what was needed to be done.. Friendly staff.
Great visit. Friendly group of people, and Dr Campbell was very good with addressing concerns. Reasonable costs.
Great chairside manner, knowledgeable, office is clean,, admin. Staff very professional & friendly. Convienent.
I have been a patient of Dr. Campbell for over twenty years. He has always been extremely capable, personable, and professional. His office staff is also top-notch. I have rarely waited in his waiting room for more than five minutes, which I appreciate. He's the best!
I am always pleased with Dr. Campbell. He is courteous and concerned about the welfare of his patients. I have panic attacks and he accommodates me so that I am comfortable at all times. He's the best.
Dentist Orthodontists
Dentist Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
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