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Chicago Criminal Defense
Criminal Law: Juvenile and Adult - Expungements - All Traffic- DUI, Revocation, Suspension - Driver�??s License Reinstatement Hearings - Misdemeanors - Felony- Murder, Drugs, Sexual Assault Business Law - Corporation formation and dissolution - Contracts - Collections Real Estate - Residential Leases & Purchases - Commercial Leases & Purchases - Tenant and Landlord Protections - Tax Assessment...
Experienced Chicago and Waukegan, Illinois criminal, business, entertainment, civil litigation, real estate and personal estate law firm.
The Walker Law Firm was founded in 2010, and is located at 701 Grand Ave in Waukegan.
Criminal Law: Juvenile and Adult
- Expungements
- All Traffic- DUI, Revocation, Suspension
- Driver’s License Reinstatement Hearings
- Misdemeanors
- Felony- Murder, Drugs, Sexual Assault
Business Law
- Corporation formation and dissolution
- Contracts
- Collections
Real Estate
- Residential Leases & Purchases
- Commercial Leases & Purchases
- Tenant and Landlord Protections
- Tax...
Chicago Criminal Defense
Walker Law is one of the first virtual law offices in the State of Illinois, providing limited legal
Traffic Violations, Professionals On Staff, Misdemeanors, Felonies, Evaluations, DUI & DWI, Drugs Offenses, Criminal Defense, Consultations, Chicago Criminal Defense, Burglary, Attorneys
Attorney Martin Walker is experienced in handling cases involving Criminal Law, Business Planning, Estate Planning, Civil Disputes, Real Estate Matters, and Entertainment Law.
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