Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightThe Old Havilah Inn of Taneytown, MD provides supreme quality Angus Beef, steaks and seafood. Our restaurant is the bearer of a proud tradition that goes back to 1975 when it was first established by the Fitzgerald Family. Irish for "rolling hills and valleys", the Old Havilah Inn has made a name for itself as a provider of premium quality steaks, seafood, and homemade goodness. We look forward...
The old havilah inn offers -fine quality dining, quality steaks, delectable seafood & home made goodness !!!
Taneytown, MD Steak House And Seafood RestaurantThe Old Havilah InnThe Old Havilah Inn of Taneytown, MD provides supreme quality steaks and seafood. Our restaurant is the bearer of a proud tradition that goes back to 1975 when it was first established by the Fitzgerald Family. Irish for "rolling hills and valleys", the Old Havilah Inn has made a name for itself as a provider of premium quality...
Since 2010, Old Havilahn Inn has been providing Inns from Taneytown. Old Havilahn Inn has estimated annual revenues of $66,000.00 and also employs an estimated 2 employees.
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