Status: Open
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Help us make it rightVery unhappy with Taco Tico. I had to go back five times to fix our order. First we were missing five items. Four tacos were supposed to have no cheese. My mom is highly allergic. She bacially called me a liar and said we received them. I invited her to come check our table. When we got the new ones there was so much lettuce on it (and little else) that my mam ate one of them not knowing....
Taco Tico is a nice casual restaurant for a pleasant meal. Their chillie renellos are great as well as their enchiladas. My boyfriend really likes this restaurant - and he's hard to please.
I just can't help my self, I love this place and I have since I was a kid. I love the seasoned meat and their beans. This place always reminds me of highschool.
Taco Tico is located at 260 N Rock Rd Ste 220, Wichita, KS. This business specializes in Mexican Restaurants.
The Tax Lady is located at 260 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS. This business specializes in Taxes.
Founded by Dan and Robin Foley in the early 1960s, Taco Tico offers quick service Mexican food.
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