Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightWe are a counseling service certified by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, specializing in individualized treatment.We believe that alcoholism and addictions affect significant others, children, employers, friends and relatives too.We service self-referrals, referrals with legal mandates, Professional Assistance Programs, Employee Assistance Programs, DWI...
SRS is an outpatient substance abuse service located in downtown Syracuse. We offer evaluations within 2 weeks, personalized treatment plans, and a variety of services such as groups, individual sessions, DWI evals, mental health assessments, suboxone treatment and more!
Our qualified and experienced staff is ready to provide you with individual, personalized service to help you make successful progress.
The best number to call for Addiction Treatment is 877-500-5574 . They are there to help you at any moment as they did with me.I love my life again because of them and now I really understand how it is to live every second of your life! You can call them anytime between Monday and Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM
Recovery Services is located at State Tower Building, Syracuse, NY. This location is in the Downtown neighborhood. This business specializes in Social Services.
Syracuse Recovery Services is located at 109 S Warren St Ste 806, Syracuse, NY. This location is in the Downtown neighborhood. This business specializes in Abuse Treatment and Mental Health.
Our qualified and experienced staff is ready to provide you with individual, personalized service to help you make successful progress.
Syracuse Recovery Services is a mental health specialist in Syracuse, New York. Our qualified and experienced staff is ready to provide you with individual, personalized service to help you make successful progress and get back on your feet as soon as possible. Alcohol dependence can cause you to feel like your life has turned upside down. Let us help you to turn things around so you can feel...
Substance Abuse Evaluations and Treatment
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