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In Short
Subway's health-conscious menu is built around greaseless deli sandwiches--turkey, chicken, roast beef, etc.--made on soft rolls baked daily in-house. Customers pick white, wheat...
In ShortSubway's health-conscious menu is built around greaseless deli sandwiches--turkey, chicken, roast beef, etc.--made on soft rolls baked daily in-house. Customers pick white, wheat or a specialty bun, name the length, choose the toppings and watch as the sandwich moves down the assembly line. Wraps, melts, salads and chips by the bag diversify the streamlined menu. And despite the bread factor, Subway boasts numerous successful weight-loss stories and low-carb menu items.
Subway is located at 3129 E Tulare St, Fresno, CA. This location is in the Huntington neighborhood. This business specializes in Delicatessens and Sandwiches. Subway is open Mon, 8am-10pm; Tue, 8am-10pm; Wed, 8am-10pm; Thu, 8am-10pm; Fri, 8am-10pm; Sat, 8am-10pm; Sun, 8am-10pm and accepts Apple Pay and Visa.
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Founded in 1965, the SUBWAY
The Profile Page for this restaurant is brought to you by the service. Subway is located in Fresno.
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