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Contact us at (757) 595-7860, 809 Old Oyster Point Road, Newport News, VA. Straight Outta Philly specializes Philly style cheese steaks, chicken wings, southern style BBQ and reuben sandwiches, and a variety of other cheese steaks as well.
5 star
1 star
5 star
4 star
Really good
Straight Outta Philly was founded in 2000. Straight Outta Philly specializes in Retail - American Restaurant.
Contact us at (757) 595-7860, 809 Old Oyster Point Road, Newport News, VA. Straight Outta Philly specializes Philly style cheese steaks, chicken wings, southern style BBQ and reuben sandwiches, and a variety of other cheese steaks as well.
Try the original Philly sandwich, the hot roasted pork. For just under six bucks, its eight impressive inches of piled-high pork. The texture and flavor is reminiscent of barbecue, the gravy soaked in to keep every morsel nice and juicy. A layer of provolone is melted into the top, while a bottom layer of hot peppers keeps every bite interesting. Sandwiches came nestled into a golden batch...
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