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Help us make it rightI was extremely troubled when I got a garnishment on my wages. I didn't realized that my tax issue had fallen so overdue. I knew it was bad, but didn’t know it was REALLY bad. I contacted these folks and they began working on my situation from the very first day. I gave them all of the documents they asked for and shortly after I was on track and received my full paycheck back! Thank you very...
The Internal Revenue Service is a big animal. Knowing they are the largest collection agency in America didn’t frighten me. What frightened me was that I owed them money and I had no clue what they would do to be able to make me pay it. The last letter I received stated that I owed more than $36,000. I called them and once I signed the Power of Attorney, I need not worry anymore. They assisted...
I’m a single mom with 2 kids. My ex was claiming the kids for quite some time. Every year I'd have to deal with the IRS issues and provide evidence that they live with me. I’m used to the IRS becoming a problem. This past year it happened a...
"Our team consists of Tax Attorneys, Tax Analysts, ex- IRS Agents, and
Enrolled Agents. We accept cases Nationwide and offer many tax
solutions. Our tax professionals will review your situation and provide
a step-by-step road map that will match you with the best solution to
overcome your tax issue. Start your free, no-obligation tax consultation
today, and take control of yourlife with a...
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