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The South Florida Wildlife Center is the largest wildlife trauma hospital and rehabilitation center in the country in number of patients. We are a 501 (c) (3).
Protecting wildlife through...
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You can help South Florida Wildlife Center Car Donation by donating your old car to the South Florida Wildlife Center. Our Wheels for Wildlife program makes donating your car easy! 1. Call us toll-free 2. We'll tow your car at no cost to you 3. We'll clean up the car and auction it 4. The proceeds from your car support our lifesaving work 5. You'll...
The Center grew and eventually moved to its current location. In the 1980’s the board of directors changed the name to the W...ildlife Care Center to better describe the work at the Center. In June of 2009, we became an affiliate of the Humane Society of the United States. In Januray 2011, The name was changed to The South Florida Wildlife Center. See More
South Florida Wildlife Center is located at 3200 SW 4th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL..
Welcome to the official fan page of the South Florida Wildlife Center. Serving the South Florida Tri-County Region since 1969.
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