Status: Open
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Help us make it rightStern Pediatrics Clinic Inc is located at the address 5406 W Glenn Dr in Glendale, Arizona 85301. They can be contacted via phone at (623) 934-0245 for pricing, hours and directions. Stern Pediatrics Clinic Inc specializes in Infections, Allergies, Chemotherapy.
Stern Pediatrics Clinic Inc has an annual sales volume of 1M – 1,999,999. .For more information contact Gloria Steeves, Manager
Come and visit for check up! They don't say no no.
5 star
Q: Does this provider have a good professional reputation within your community?
A: Yes, they are known for being good at what they do
Q: Does the pediatrician get upset when you seek a second opinion?
A: No, they didn't get upset
Q: Does this provider maintain a professional appearance?
A: Absolutely! You can tell that he/she really makes an effort to look professional
I don't think I have ever been put on hold here for a long time and am so impressed with how quickly all of my questions are answered. There's nothing worse than having to wait on hold for a half an hour just to get someone to talk to you. I don't know of anywhere else that would've taken better care of me. I had a great experience. I was glad that they were located in a safe neighborhood. I've...
Q: Did a staff member acknowledge or greet you when you entered?
A: Yes, I was greeted when I walked in
Q: Do other parents within your community respect this pediatrician?
A: Yes, they are respected
Q: Does this provider have helpful information available online?
A: Yes, but very little
Q: Did this provider wear an obnoxious cologne?
A: No, they didn't wear any cologne
Q: Has this provider...
Stern Pediatrics Clinic Inc is located at 5406 W Glenn Dr Ste 6 in Glendale and has been in the business of Pediatrician since 1988.
Sterns Pediatric Clinic can be found at W Glenn Dr 5406. The following is offered: General Practice Medicine. The entry is present with us since Sep 9, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Glendale there are 78 other General Practice Medicine. An overview can be found here.
Dr Sheinkopf has not yet shared her bio with us.
Pediatrics Infant Child Adolescent
Shirley Sheinkopf, MD practices as a Pediatrician in Glendale, AZ.She graduated from Med Coll Of Pa, Philadelphia Pa 19129 and has been practicing since 1967.
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