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Help us make it rightMonica Ferguson, originally from Colombia, has more than 12 years of experience in the direction and operation of businesses in the beauty industry. With professional studies in physical rehabilitation, aesthetics, and nutrition, she has developed invaluable experience in the field of non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
I was informed by the management of Sculpter Body Molding, Steve Ferguson that his staff is indeed legal. He also submitted a full apology for his lack of attention toward our presence when we entered the facility. Therefore I am retracting the previous blog and hoping everything is on the up and up. (Edited May 30, 2008)
I'm not sure why the previous reviewer had such a problem. I actually had quite the opposite experience. There was someone that always answered when I called, they were great about accomodating me with my requested appointment times, everyone was very friendly and nice, and the service was great. I don't usually write on these things but when I came across this review I was quite shocked since my experience was so different. Even got great results too!
ok, i dont like to bash buisinesses because im a small business owner and i depend on word of mouth but when you take money from me, all bets are off!!
i had some guy come into my business back in Sept '07 and sell me a promotional package for $50 and you had 4 months to use it and it basically gave you 4 or 5 free visits for particular things and there were dance classes and all this other garbage. i got it for my wife and it said on the package folder you had to call a few days in advance to make an appointment. She literally tried over and over and over to get ahold of these clowns on the phone and they were NEVER open, yeah NEVER OPEN!! she finally got thru once and they said they close at 5 p.m. or something like that and she got there 45 minutes before they closed to make an appointment in person and the door was locked and she knocked for like 5 montues and no one EVER answered, and like i said if you try to call 99.999999% of the time they are closed and after leaving 3-4 messages for someone to call back noone ever does. Now tell me, how do you run a business and sell promotional packages and NEVER be there? Its ridicious...STAY AWAY FOR THESE SCAMMERS!!!
I just want to say that I’m really happy with my results. You have to try really hard to see the results you want. But it is all worth it because at the end the results are incredible. Thank you for everything sculptor.
Quisiera darles las gracias a todo el personal de Sculptor su dedicacion y profecionaliso es lo mejor que eh visto. Estoy muy contenta con mis resultados soy una persona que estaba sobre peso y con muchos problemas de salud. Ahora me siento bien y eh bajado bastante. Gracias.
I am very happy with the treatment. It really helped me out a lot especially with my health. I liked everything about it; the therapists were very nice with me. I want to thank everyone for everything they did for me and may God bless. Thank you.
I had lost 20 lbs since I started the treatment, I see the difference on my body specially my waist and legs, and the stuff is really nice they make me feel like home and very comfortable. Management is always helpful they always answer all my questions and planning on getting a second treatment.
Thank you Sculptor Body because of you guys my dream come true my life has changed now I feel like a different woman I feel good about myself more confident. I lost 40 pounds with my treatment my body is so different than what I started with I was a size 14 and now I'm a size 7 my husband can’t stop telling me that I look good and how much he loves me, I just want to thank all the girls that...
Since 2006, Sculptor Body Molding has been providing Manufacturing - Molding Primary Plastics from North Hollywood.
Sculptor Body Molding offers various health & beauty services such as: Facial rejuvenation; stem cell treatment; laser & technology; lip augmentation, non-surgical treatments and more.
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