Status: Open (Call business to confirm holiday hours)
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Ruby Makeup Academy is a company with the heart and passion to change lives. We believe within every person is the power, passion and potential to be, have, or create whatever they want.
Ruby Make Up Academy is here to help you reach your goals as a certified makeup artist. The makeup and beauty industry offers so many opportunities for creative, unique individuals just like you to make their mark on the world! Let Ruby Make Up Academy help you learn practical makeup skills and techniques.
We offer courses in Professional Beauty, Character, FX, Face and Body Paint, Hair Design...
I am a Ruby Grad and I had a great experience. Brenda was my instructor and she is awesome! I have has some issues with the unprofessional customer service fro. Some of the staff - not the...
I was a proud Ruby girl.I Loved the time i spent attending the pro makeup artistry course. However when i registered for class there was an option of choosing a free imats tickets, photoshoot or...
My reason for signing up for this school was mainly for the internships ... last year a classmate of mine that was in the same class signed up for the makeup show LA ..we went to the mandatory...
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