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Help us make it rightRocky Point Reservations the premier lodging specialist in Glendale, AZ for quaint Mexico getaways, and can accommodate the needs of groups and parties from 2 to 200.
So I stayed at the Sonoran Sea in June. But the whole time I was on vacation I just kept thinking to myself, wouldn't I rather be in one of those resorts instead? Our condo was dirty and not even half of the lights worked in the room. If you're staying at the Sonoran Sea you should also know that room service and maid service is not included. You'll have to ask for it and still probably won't...
Rocky Point Reservations is located at 1024 Copper Basin Rd in Prescott and has been in the business of Hotel And Motel Reservation Service since 1987.
Rocky Point Reservations the premier lodging specialist in Glendale, AZ for quaint Mexico getaways, and can accommodate the needs of groups and parties from 2 to 200.
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