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Ric Seeling Dance Studio is Baton Rouge's premier dance studio featuring top of the line instruction in Ballroom, Latin, Swing, Hustle, and Country Western!
We offer GROUP and PRIVATE lessons to suit any level....from novice to "superstar advanced". We also offer SINGLES' and COUPLES' memberships that include private lessons. Call for information on group discounts and lesson packages....
Ric Seeling Dance Studio is Baton Rouge's premier dance studio featuring top of the line instruction in Ballroom, Latin, Swing, Hustle, and Country Western!We offer GROUP and PRIVATE lessons to suit any level....from novice to "superstar advanced". We also offer SINGLES' and COUPLES' memberships that include private lessons. Call for information on group discounts and lesson packages.
DANCING is a great way to challenge your mind, get exercise, and meet new friends. Take classes, come to our Friday night dances, take private lessons, and find out for yourself!Baton Rouge's premier dance studio featuring top of the line instruction in ballroom, Latin, west coast swing, hustle, country western, jitterbug, Argentine tango. We offer group classes and private lessons to suit any...
Ric Seeling's Club Dance can be found at N Harrells Ferry Rd 10776. The following is offered: Dance Studios. The entry is present with us since Sep 9, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Baton Rouge there are 14 other Dance Studios. An overview can be found here.
Private Dance Classes. Call Our Experienced Instructors for Info!
West Coast Swing, All Areas & Levels of Partner Dancing, Ballroom, Cajun/Zydeco, Country & Western, East Coast Swing, Group & Private Lessons, Hip Hop, Jitterbug, Latin
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