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Help us make it rightR E Welch Gallery, a prominent and influential force in the Seattle art community. Located half a block south of SAM and the Four Seasons, R E Welch specializes
Located half a block south of SAM downtown. The gallery is a prime source of limited-edition European bronzes that are desirable to the seasoned collector.
R E Welch Gallery, a prominent and influential force in the Palm Desert community, expands to Seattle. Located half a block south of SAM downtown.
My wife and I have seen thousands of art galleries throughout the world in our search for fine art. This gallery is unique in two ways. They have the exclusive rights to represent Jean Louis Corby, one of the finest contemporary sculptures of our time and, more importantly, the owners and their staff are the most knowledgeable and dedicated gallery sales professionals we have had the pleasure to work with in developing our collection. For anyone just starting to collect or even looking for just the right piece, there are so many charlatans unfortunately even including some of the most well known names and chains in the art business that finding a reputable, knowledgeable art professional to work with on a continuing basis is the only way to insure you are getting what you want at the price that is appropriate. I'm more than happy to respond to any questions and I assure you we have no business relationship other than our respect for their assistance in helping us build our collection.
Hi Paige your one special ltltie lady! I posted my card also yesterday! so I think your card pile is going to keep growing!! Good luck withyour recovery and also your mother and family!I too live in England so hope your card reaches you safely! :0take care sweetie x x
When I closed on my house in Queen Anne, I began an extensive search in the Seattle area for a master piece to decorate my new home with. I accidentaly walked into RE Welch Gallery one day while...
I have been looking for a sculpture for the foyer in my new home. This gallery was recommended to me by a friend. I have been checking out galleries in my spare time for the last few weeks and didn't find anything of the quality I was loo...
My wife and I have seen thousands of art galleries throughout the world in our search for fine art. This gallery is unique in two ways. They have the exclusive rights to represent Jean Louis Corby, one of the finest contemporary sculptures ...
On a recent visit to SAM we stumbled across this gallery. They have another gallery on El Paseo in Palm Desert that we have been meaning to visit as we winter in the desert. They have a wonderful selection of European artists whose work is really spectacular. We were particularly drawn to Corby's work and ended up purchasing a piece for our Seattle home. All of the sculpture they carry is quite...
Re Welch Gallery was founded in 2007. Re Welch Gallery specializes in Art Gallery.
R E Welch Gallery has the exclusive representation in the US for some of Europe�s finest artists, including Jean-Louis Corby. Corby�s Danseur was selected for the 2007/2008 El Paseo International Exhibition. Danseur was declared the clear winner after receiving an overwhelming percentage of the public�s vote. This stunning example of Corby�s work will be permanently placed in a...
R E Welch Gallery, a prominent and influential force in the Palm Desert and Seattle communities. Located half a block south of SAM downtown, R E Welch specializes in sophisticated international artists. The gallery is a prime source of limited-edition European bronzes that are desirable to the seasoned collector.
Features sophisticated international art.
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