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Help us make it right254280attr:human hair wigs
Wigs (Human and Synthetic), Human Hair, Hair Pieces, Application Tools for Extensions, Wig Products and Accessories/Maintenance, Styling Tools, Cosmetics and Nail Supplies, Ethnic and Professional Hair Products, Barber and Cosmetology Supplies.
We are your local " One-Stop Shop " for Salon Services, Beauty Supplies, PLUS a wide range of both Synthetic and Human Hair Pieces, Wigs, & Braids. Joan and Her talented staff have a huge selection of professional designer lines, and the expertise to find the right product for your individual Hair & Skin type. Our friendly salon staff can provide affordable Cuts, Color, Highlights, Perms, or...
Great customer service and offers a wide variety of quality ethnic and main stream products. Wish there were more locations.
Cool beauty supply. Looks to have all the hair seems a little pricey but I am from down south so the cost is dramatically different. The women are very helpful, always nice and...
I like the products in the shop but if you are going to carry products then you should have some knowledge about them. The wan who was not really helpful was very friendly when she asked was I...
Worst customer service ever!! Drove from costa mesa and I arrived at 7:02 and they wouldn't let me in. I called ahead and told them and they still didn't care. I used to come here to buy my hair...
This is mostly a hair extension and wig store. They do have tons of hair colors, and perm solutions, they seem to carry mostly products for african american hair. I went in for hair highlighting supplies and they did...
Hair Regrowth Treatments
Service establishment equipment
Hair Regrowth Treatments, Nioxin, Lanza, L'ANZA, Joico
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