Status: Open (Call business to confirm holiday hours)
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Help us make it rightFounded in 2012, Pathway to Hope was created by a group of addiction experts and professionals who not only believe in addiction but also want to make a change in the recovery industry from the inside out. From its early beginnings, our facility has remained one of Fort Lauderdales best treatment facilities, operating on the ideals of client care and cultivating lasting sobriety. Our main goal...
Get quality intensive outpatient treatment in the heart of downtown Fort Lauderdale. Through clinically-proven behavioral therpaies, our compassionate staff of fully-licensed therapists and counselors will equip you with the mental and emotional tools you need to avoid relapse in the long-run. Plus, in outpatient treatment, you have the additional flexibility of going to treatment while living...
*Single bedrooms *Acupuncture *Chiropractic Services *12 Step Educational Groups *Family Program *Mature Program *Gym *Beach *Individualized Patient Care
Pathway is a life saver. It was a nice place that really helped me get to the core of my problems. I felt safe to work through my deep issues. The staff really cares. I liked how most of them were...
When you want to live again and stop using, this place can help. Its one place I would recommend to my friends and family.
Really awesome program with a great staff. Saved my life.
Pathway to Hope is located at 600 SE 2nd Ct, Fort Lauderdale, FL..
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