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Help us make it rightNon Christian biased News is horrible? No one should buy anything from them!
4 分
You should be ashamed that you publish anything by Kevin Leininger.
Small minded, bigoted, misinformed 'source' of information. Educate yourselves on issues before writing opinion pieces. No surprise that no one I know subscribes to this paper.
5 分
The News-Sentinel is one of two daily newspapers published in Fort Wayne, Ind. The newspaper traces its origins to 1833, when The Sentinel was established as a weekly paper. In 1918, The Sentinel merged with another local paper, The Fort Wayne Daily News, to form The News-Sentinel. It was formerly a subsidiary of Knight-Ridder Corporation. The News-Sentinel is located in a 150,000-square-foot...
News-Sentinel is located at 600 W Main St, Fort Wayne, IN. This business specializes in Newspapers.
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