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Help us make it rightAccidents/persona injuryattorney at lawcriminal - dui/dwitrials & litigations022960attr:drunk driving
The Newbrough Law Firm serves clients throughout central Iowa in an extensive range of legal concerns at every level of state and federal courts.
If you are in the Ames, Iowa area and looking for an experienced, full-service law firm, there are few firms in central Iowa that can match the experience and length of service offered by Newbrough Law Firm, LLP. Since 1935 Newbrough Law Firm has worked to get top results for their clients. We work on local and state cases as well as cases involving municipal law. Our areas of practice...
Since 1935, Newbrough Law Firm has been one of the best law firms in IA. Call to discuss your legal goals with one of our experienced lawyers or attorneys
Will's, Estate Planning & Probate, Workers' Compensation, Trials & Litigation, Trademark & Copyright, Real Estate, Domestic Relations & Family Law, Divorce & Family, Criminal, Corporation & Partnership, Business, Accidents-Personal Injury-Property Damage
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