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Help us make it rightMr. Rooter Plumbing provides nationwide plumbing repair services available 24 hours a day, including shower repair, drain cleaning, water heater repair, and more!
I recently had the main drain from the house to the sewer cleaned out by this company. 15 days later I called another company to clean out the same drain which had plugged up. This company charged me 216 dollars. The next company charged me 85 dollars. This company put a snake down the drain that …
Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Reno / Sparks is a full-service plumbing company servicing Sparks, NV and the surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on being both professional and courteous to each of our customers. There's a reason they call us Mr.
Mr. Rooter Plumbing is located at 1092 Greg St, Sparks, NV. This business specializes in Septic Systems.
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