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Help us make it rightUnequaled excellence in educationboarding schoolday schoolelementary schoolhigh schoolhome schoolkindergartenmiddle schoolmontessori schoolpreschoolpublic school
Montessori Day Schools was founded as a private school in the summer of 1981 and held its first summer session on the back porch of Peg Huffman, MDS' Executive Director. Its mission was to make quality Montessori education available and affordable for every child. This meant offering Montessori education along with full day care " staffed by Montessori professionals " at day care pricing: a...
Child Care Services
Montessori Day Schools was founded as a private school in the summer of 1981 and held its first summer session on the back porch of Peg Huffman, MDS' Executive Director. Its mission was to make quality Montessori education available and affordable for every child. This meant offering Montessori education along with full day care - staffed by Montessori professionals at day...
My daughter is in the toddler program. Earlier, I had her with a home daycare and a chain type daycare center. She was never happy. My co-worker recommended this school. It turns out my daughter loves it. The...
Montessori Day Schools can be found at W Warner Rd 1700. The following is offered: Elementary Schools. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Chandler there are 9 other Elementary Schools. An overview can be found here.
Montessori Day Schools was founded as a private school in the summer of 1981 and held its first summer session on the back porch of Peg Huffman, MDS' Executive Director. Its mission was to make quality Montessori education available and affordable for every child. This meant offering Montessori education along with full day care " staffed by Montessori professionals " at day care pricing: a...
18 Mos-8th Grade, Academic Excellence for 28 Years, Free Charter School, K-8th Grade
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