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Michael Christian Schmidt

88 E Broad St Columbus OH 43215
(513) 698-5098
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What the community has to say about Michael Christian Schmidt

Information about this business (1)

If you are looking for fitness classes, Jazzercise Fitness Center is the right place for you. The fitness program offered by Jazzercise Fitness Center is a combination of dance, pilates, yoga. This combination has proved to be very affective and people keep attending the company's classes. Do not hesitate to contact Jazzercise Fitness Center in Cincinnati, 318 East 4th St., 45202.

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I have an annuity with great American, every time I call to ask questions, I am put on hold and no one has any answers . Very poor service. This is not the place to invest your money.

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Avoid.I'm a beneficiary on my aunt's annuity.Now, because there are five of us, and one of us hasn't submitted their paperwork, I am unable to receive the money due to me. Apparently it's a...

Average Rating

My father passed this year. To date, the records with this company seem scrambled, they keep sending request for yet more information and they are still researching something - who knows what....

Average Rating

My opinion:This company should be avoided at all costs. As most of the other Reviews consistently note, this company is the ultimate Roach Hotel- You can check in....but you can't check...

Average Rating

somewhat amazing experience. i bought a wear and tear insurance during a lease. the car ended up being dented up... 950 $ worth. They paid the whole bill. No hassle, other than the fact that they...

Business description (1)

Jazzercise Fitness Center was founded in 1969 and consists of dance fitness programs. The company's mission is to improve people's lives through fitness programs which help people's health. The company offers its services and helps many people throughout the world. The company strives to offer high quality services to all its customers.

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