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Metro Granite Designs provides our customers with professional design services. We provide 15 years of experience in the granite counter top and remodeling industry. No job is too big or too small for our professionals. We provide service to the Tarrant county metroplex, We turn your remodeling dreams into reality by providing our customers with the utmost...
I had Rudy and his company come out to remodel a bathroom. He seemed like a nice guy, a little pushy about his opinion but did have some good ideas. When the tile work was done and uneven, he blamed everyone but himself. First it was us, we expected too much, then it was the tile guy. Then it was because the wall was not plumb, but he didn't plumb the wall because we did not authorize him to;...
Metro Granite Designs can be found at Corzine Dr 2138. The following is offered: Mineral & Mining Industries. The entry is present with us since Sep 9, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Arlington there are 7 other Mineral & Mining Industries. An overview can be found here.
We are your counter top connection
Crushed & Broken Granite
By appointment only.
Metro Granite Designs provides our customers with professional design services. We provide 15 years of experience in the granite counter top and remodeling industry. No job is too big or too small for our professionals. We provide service to the Tarrant county metroplex, We turn your remodeling dreams into reality by providing our customers with the utmost quality care and attention.
Metro Granite Designs provides our customers with professional design services and offers 15 years of experience in the granite and remodeling industry We custom fit the countertop around your original/new sink, or enlarge an area to a different shape, such as bar areas If you are also interested in a complete renovation of your bathroom or kitchen, we also provide the services and quality...
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