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Help us make it rightMy experience with Dr Maurice and his staff was amazing. He was very professional, knowledgable, and personable. He took time explaining everything to me. Excellent care!! I would recommend him to anyone!!
I highly recommend Dr Maurice. He did an amazing job. He came highly recommended to me as a phenomenal cosmetic surgeon and I can't agree more!!! I have already referred some of my friends to him. I couldn't be happier. He took time explaining everything to me and answering my questions.
Phenomenal doctor, great at explaining the condition and care plan for my son. He is definitely in his profession for all the right reasons, to help people. Should be considered one of the countries top pediatric surgeons if he isn't already!
I highly recommend Dr Maurice. He is very personable and a great listener. He and his staff were very professional. I couldn't be happier with my results. Great bedside manner. I would recommend him to friends or family members.
I would definitely recommend Dr Maurice to a friend or family member. He is an excellent surgeon and doctor. He is caring and a great listener. Outstanding results. Both Dr.Maurice and his assistant Sonya are wonderful.
Dr. Samuel Maurice, MD is one of the country's best rated doctors, specializing in surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and plastic surgery. MD Maurice currently sees patients in Des moines, Iowa.
Dr. Maurice is licensed to see patients in Illinois and Iowa.
Dr. Maurice is rated among the top 20% of doctors in the United States, based on his experience, network and credentials.
* Plastic & Reconstructive Procedures
Dr Maurice has not yet shared his bio with us.
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