Attorney practicing in the following areas: criminal defense, divorces, evictions, wills, living wills, power of attorney, estate probate, motor vehicle accidents, general legal matters.
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Help us make it rightAttorney practicing in the following areas: criminal defense, divorces, evictions, wills, living wills, power of attorney, estate probate, motor vehicle accidents, general legal matters.
Criminal Defense, DUI Defense, Divorce, Motor vehicle accidents, Adoptions, LLC and corporations, Wills, Power of attorney, Landlord-Tenant law, Family law / DHR cases.
Providing experienced legal representation in Criminal Defense, DUI Defense, Drug Offenses, Assaults, Family Law, Divorce, Landlord/Tenant, Wills, Estate Probate, and Personal Injury law.
Matthew J. Hornsby has provided representation to countless satisfied clients in criminal matters as well as civil, family court, and probate matters, and motor vehicle accidents. He has handled hundreds of...
Great representation. More than worth the money paid, and he always answered the phone, always communicated with me, and explained my legal rights. Thanks!
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