Status: Open
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Massage N' Spirit was born from a concept and idea arising from the need to help and educate people about their health.
Therapeutic Massage Sanctuary
Massage N' Spirit was born from a concept and idea arising from the need to help and educate people about their health.
Massage N' Spirit is located at the address 1721 Wyoming Ave in El Paso, Texas 79902. They can be contacted via phone at (915) 240-0378 for pricing, hours and directions. Massage N' Spirit specializes in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Numbness, Whiplash Injuries.
Massage N' Spirit has an annual sales volume of 0 - 500K. .For more information contact Juan Estrada, Owner
Massage N' Spirit provides...
Juan does an outstanding job in explaining various techniques and methods. After four visits he has helped me regain movement and range of motion that I had been working on for 8 months with a Chiropractor. I would highly recommend Juan.
1 star
If you want a great massage this is where you want to go. Juan also keeps up with the latest concerning health, highly recommended !
Just perfect! Everybody needs to go and experience it for themselves.
Have known Juan for a long time .he's the best whether you come for a massage or a cleansing..
Really recommend great job in making u relax and feel good!!!! ☺
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor
$40/Hr Massage
Chinese Cupping
Massage N' Spirit was born from a concept and idea arising from the need to help and educate people about their health.
Sobador, Relaxation, Herbalist, Detox, Deep Tissue, Chinese Cupping, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor, $40/Hr Massage
Massage N' Spirit
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