Status: Closed
Know more about this business than we do? Cool! Please submit any corrections or missing details you may have.
Help us make it rightQ: Was the Dental Care provider able to take and develop x-rays in their office?
A: Yes
Q: Will this Dental Care provider try to get you an appointment ASAP if you have an emergency?
A: Absolutely
Q: Did this provider give the impression that they cared about your concerns?
A: Yes
Q: Was the rinsing sink clean and did they have disposable cups and mouthwash for you to use?
A: Absolutely
Q: Was this provider friendly?
A: Extremely Friendly
Q: Did the Dentist's staff seem friendly and welcoming to you?
A: Yes
Q: Did you feel that your appointment with the Dentist was worth it?
A: Absolutely
Q: Did this Dentist answer all of your questions?
A: Yes
Q: Does this Dentist have a good reminder system about cleaning, check-ups or follow-up appointments?
A: Great
Q: Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
A: Absolutely not! I was never uncomfortable
Q: Does this dentist use current and safe equipment?
A: Yes; the equipment is very advanced!
Q: Does this provider have a good professional reputation within your community?
A: Definitely! Everyone knows they are the best around!
Q: Did this provider have an...
Q: Does this provider treat every client equally?
A: Definitely, they make everyone feel equally respected and cared for
Q: Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
A: No, my decisions were always respected
Q: Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
A: Completely!
Q: Was this provider's office clean?
A: Yes! I was amazed at...
Q: Was this provider's staff friendly?
A: Yes, they went above and beyond
Q: Did this provider wear an obnoxious cologne?
A: Not at all, their cologne smelled great
Q: Did this provider leave you unattended for an extended period of time?
A: Not at all! They were always present and attentive
Q: Was this provider's office too loud?
A: Not at all, it was very peaceful and quiet
Q: Does this...
Longo & Ommen DDS PC is located at 4820 W Taft Rd, Ste 112, Liverpool, NY. This business specializes in Dentistry. Longo & Ommen DDS PC is open Mon, 9am-5pm; Tue, 9am-5pm; Wed, 9am-5pm; Thu, 9am-5pm; Fri, 9am-5pm; Sat, Closed; Sun, Closed and accepts Mastercard and Visa.
Longo & Ommen DDS PC can be found at W Taft Rd 4820. The following is offered: Dentistry. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Liverpool there are 27 other Dentistry. An overview can be found here.
Longo & Ommen DDS PC is a Dentist facility at 4820 West Taft Road in Liverpool, NY.
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