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Help us make it rightThe Lincoln Museum is an usual place. It seems strange to have a museum dedicated to a singular person. Presidents usually have a library, not a museum. The museum was built by the Lincoln Insurance Company that was based in the city of For...
When I fisrt came to Indiana I wanted to see everything I could do to the fact that I was from the west coast. I have been to many of the a...
The Lincoln Museum is on of the things Fort Wayne is known for. It is full of interesting information, as well as its displays of artifacts...
The Lincoln Museum is one of Ft Wayne's greatest treasures. It contains a wealth of artifacts and information on one of our most famous pre...
Lincoln Museum the can be found at E Berry St 200. The following is offered: Theater. The entry is present with us since Sep 8, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Fort Wayne there are 5 other Theater. An overview can be found here.
Power Players
Experience The Lincoln Museum's award-winning permanent exhibit, "Abraham Lincoln and the American Experiment", which includes 4 theaters and 11 exhibit galleries featuring hundreds of artifacts and images from Lincoln's era. Visit the Lower Level Gallery for changing exhibits. Mon.- Sat. 10a-5p. Sun 1p-5p.
The Lincoln Museum holds the world's largest collection of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia. Signed copies of the Emancipation Proclamation, the 13th Amendment, photographs, manuscripts, newspapers and magazine clippings, music sheets, family belongings of Lincoln from the 19th century have been preserved for permanent exhibition. Lectures, exhibitions, and events are held regularly. The museum...
The Lincoln Museum houses the world’s largest private collection of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia regarding his personal and presidential life. Artifacts on display include signed copies of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment, thousands of 19th century prints, engravings, newspapers, sheet music titles, and photographs, Lincoln family belongings, and manuscript collections.
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