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Help us make it rightWe handle a wide variety of legal issues and specialize in state and federal criminal defense with focus on serious violent offenses, DUI/OWI, sexual and physical assault, dealing and possession cases, driver's license issues, personal injury, wills and trusts, and collections.
Since 1986, Barrett & Mcnagny Llp has been providing General Practice Law Office from Fort Wayne.
We handle a wide variety of legal issues and specialize in state and federal criminal defense with focus on serious violent offenses, DUI/OWI, sexual and physical assault, dealing and possession cases, driver's license issues, personal injury, wills and trusts, and collections.
About me
One of the most enjoyable parts of being a lawyer is combining my genuine interest in others with my passion for helping people and fixing situations.
Most people seem to have headaches in a few key areas. That’s why I focus on the fields of family law (divorce, visitation, guardianships, etc.), business law (business formation, law suits, breach of contract, etc.), estate planning...
Farhoumand Fred is located at 116 E Berry St Ste 300, Fort Wayne, IN. This location is in the Downtown Fort Wayne neighborhood. This business specializes in Financial Planning and Investment Brokerages.
Marcia is a former Allen Superior Court Magistrate and former Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. She received her bachelor's degree from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana and her Juris Doctorate from Indiana University - Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, Indiana.
After having been admitted to practice law in 1984, Marcia's career has consisted of prosecuting all levels of felony and...
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