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Help us make it rightIf youve been accused of a crime, dont hesitate to contact an experienced defense attorney like Richard Dudek in Sacramento.
Serving for the Last 15 Years California State Board of Specialization (Certified Specialist in Criminal Law)
Serving for the Last 15 Years California State Board of Specialization (Certified Specialist in Criminal Law)
This attorney is a con artist! Upon meeting richard dudeck, he appears to knows his stuff. He was very convincing & will put your heart at ease! He assured us the outcome would be okay! He was paid almost 10,000. … this attorney is a con artist! Upon meeting richard dudeck, he appears to knows his stuff. He was very convincing & will put your heart at ease! He assured us the outcome would be...
When I was wrongfully arrested for DUI in wine country I spoke to several lawyers in the area and they all seemed to be in cahoots. I decided to get a lawyer from the valley to take my case. When the District Attorney wouldn't dismiss the case because I was not guilty, Mr. Dudek had no choice but to take it to trial. I knew from the moment that he first spoke to the jury on the day of trial,...
I've been a lawyer for many years, and when I needed a lawyer, I hired Dudek. Mr. Dudek is highly skilled in all aspects of representation--- from negotiation to trial work. He is a Super Lawyer and a … I've been a lawyer for many years, and when I needed a lawyer, I hired Dudek. Mr. Dudek is highly skilled in all aspects of representation--- from negotiation to trial work. He is a Super Lawyer...
Mr. Dudek was very professional and effective when my husband hired him for our son's case in Sacramento. He filed a motion that got the evidence suppressed and our son's case was dismissed. When we were in court, we noticed that the court staff was very respectful of him, and he was very well prepared. Thanks to Mr. Dudek, our son was able to stay in college.
Richard Dudek is a frequently recommended defense lawyer in Sacramento for several very good reasons. He takes every case he accepts seriously and represents each client with skill, with integrity...
Law - Business & Corporate
Serving for the Last 15 Years California State Board of Specialization (Certified Specialist in Criminal Law)
Attorney Dudek has successfully defended the accused for over 25 years throughout the Sacramento region, at Law Office of Richard T. Dudek. Your freedom is fragile.Protect it. Call 916-273-8013 for a free initial consultation with criminal defense attorney at Law Office of Richard T.Dudek.
Since 1990
21 years in business
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