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Help us make it rightContact the Law Office of Phillips & Clayton, LLC, in New Orleans, Louisiana, at 504-521-7799 to discuss your legal matter with one of our attorneys.
New Orleans based law firm specializing in Family Law, Criminal Law, DUI/Traffic Law, and Personal Injury claims.
New Orleans law firm specializing in Family Law, Criminal Defense, DUI/Traffic and Personal Injury cases.
I found Mr. Phillips on google search and decid...
I was in a car accident which totaled my car be...
Mr. Phillips recently provided legal representa...
very professional and did an excellent job! I w...
Bradley helped me from start to finish. His pri...
Whether you have suffered an injury in an accident or are facing criminal charges, you need a skilled lawyer on your side. We provide compassionate yet knowledgeable representation in both these areas. You can count on us to get to know your personal story, then build a strong case to reach the best outcome available to you. In criminal cases, this could involve reduced charges or sentencing or...
The original St. Patrick's was a tiny wooden building founded to serve the spiritual needs of Irish Catholics. The present building, begun in 1838, was constructed around the old one, which was then dismantled. The distinguished architect James Gallier, Sr., designed much of the interior, including the altar. It opened in 1840, proudly proclaiming itself as the "American" Catholics' answer to...
New Orleans attorney specializing in Family Law, Criminal Defense, DUI/Traffic and Personal Injury cases.
New Orleans Attorneys specializing in Criminal, DWI/Traffic Defense, Family Law and Personal Injury cases.
New Orleans law firm specializing in Family Law, Criminal Defense, DUI/Traffic and Personal Injury cases.
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