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Help us make it rightInsurance You Can Trust
Based in Littleton, Lautenbach Insurance Agency, LLC is proud to serve the insurance needs of customers in Colorado and many other states. Let us help you find the right auto, home, life and commercial insurance to meet your personal needs. Contact us now for quick, competitive quotes!
Lautenbach Insurance Agency, LLC
Happened to meet an old friend for coffee in Littleton and realized I was close to our organization's insurance agency, Lautenbach Insurance. So I stopped by. No business to do, no additional...
Our agency was founded in 1950 by HR Dick Lautenbach in Pella, Iowa. In 1956, Dick moved to Littleton Colorado where the agency continues to serve customers in Colorado & its neighboring states. The agency's original motto SERVICE IS THE DIFFERENCE is still its guiding principle. In 1978 Dick's son Fred joined the agency & today is the agency's owner. The other fine agency staff has many years of insurance experience & is ready to serve YOU!
Owner, Producer over 35 years' experience past president of Professional Independent Insurance Agents of Colorado, member of Safeco Insurance Company's Agents Council.
Lautenbach Insurance Agcy LLC is located at 5721 S Nevada St, Littleton, CO. This business specializes in Car Insurance and Insurance.
As an independent insurance agency for over 65 years, we work for you, not the insurance carriers. That means we can help you find the best value on auto, property, and commercial insurance from several of Colorado’s most trusted carriers, including Safeco, Travelers, and Mountain State Insurance Group. Based in Littleton, Lautenbach Insurance Agency, LLC is proud to serve the insurance needs...
Insurance Automobile
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