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Help us make it right**S.A. Batniji, D.D.S.**
* General & Cosmetic Dentistry
* Over 7 Years Dental Faculty. * State of the Art Sterilization
* Low Radiation Exposure
* Most Insurance Plans Accepted
Search for local businesses, city information, reviews, maps, things to do, and more in Laguna Niguel, California
**S.A. Batniji, D.D.S.** * General & Cosmetic Dentistry * Over 7 Years Dental Faculty
Service was very bad .
There is no attention to detail in this office
I needed some minor dental work, the prices were right, the staff was very caring. The dentist was very thorough and gentle. They weren't pushy to sell at all like most offices are.
Laguna Heights Dental is located at 30231 Golden Lantern, Laguna Niguel, CA. This business specializes in Dentistry.
**S.A. Batniji, D.D.S.**
* General & Cosmetic Dentistry
* Over 7 Years Dental Faculty
Laguna Heights Marketplace is a neighborhood retail center in the heart of Laguna Niguel.
Laguna Heights Dental is a Dentist facility at 30231 Golden Lantern # D in Laguna Niguel, CA.
Laguna Heights Dental is a general dental practice located in Laguna Niguel, California. The practice is led by Dr. Sobhi A. Batniji. For more information please call the number provided.
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