Status: Closed
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La-Z-Boy offers a full range of great-looking, comfortable furniture designed to help customers create the look and ultimately, home of their dreams. Its sofas, sectionals, chairs, recliners and more, come in a variety of styles and are customizable to match each customer’s unique look. The highest quality construction and craftsmanship, combined with professional design services help customers...
Since 1927, La-Z-Boy has expanded its product offering while remaining true to the elements of quality and innovation that began with its recliner roots. Today, La-Z-Boy Incorporated is a manufacturer, marketer and retailer of upholstery products and a marketer of imported or manufactured casegoods (wood) furniture products. Every member of the La-Z-Boy family of companies fits into our...
I am a lazy boy that requires alot of time in my Lay-Z-Boy.
I last visited this store about a year ago. There was a friendly staff who was willing to anwser all of my chair-related questions.
I'll definitely visit next time I am in the market for a recliner!
La-Z-Boy offers a full range of great-looking, comfortable furniture designed to help customers create the look and ultimately, home of their dreams. Its sofas, sectionals, chairs, recliners and more, come in a variety of styles and are customizable to match each customer’s unique look. The highest quality construction and craftsmanship, combined with professional design services help customers...
Warehouse & Service
Headquartered in Monroe, Mich., La-Z-Boy has been one of the world's leading residential furniture producers for 85 years. The company manufactures a full line of comfortable products for the living room and family room, including the company's world-famous recliners, reclining sofas and love seats, sleep sofas, modular furniture and leather upholstery, as well as stationary sofas, love seats...
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