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Help us make it rightJury and Interpreter Coordinator
I didn't stand when the chubby man in the dress banged his little hammer and now I have to live in a cage.
I feel funny for writing a review on the courthouse when I had to report for Jury Duty for the first time. But I have to say, the main lobby is absolutely beautiful! White marble and very neat,...
No frills and gimmicks kind of person. When it comes to me, the simpler I can make something, the better. That includes marriage. Back story: Around my 7th year anniversary, about 5 years ago,...
At some point in everyone's life, they may end up in a courthouse. I've been in quite a few of them and I enjoy my visits to this one. I like that it's located in downtown Seattle and right next...
Did you know that the King County Courthouse is the 12th busiest courthouse system in the US? I didn't either. But with the courthouse proper, the administrative business behind it (for items such...
District Courtking County District Court Divisionsoffice of The Presiding Judge
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