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Kenwalt Die Casting Company

8719 Bradley Ave Sun Valley CA 91352
(818) 768-5800
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Information about this business (5)

Kenwalt Die Casting Corp is located at the address 8719 Bradley Ave in Sun Valley, California 91352. They can be contacted via phone at (818) 768-5800 for pricing, hours and directions.

Kenwalt Die Casting Corp has an annual sales volume of 2M – 4,999,999. .For more information contact Joe Nectoux, Hr Exec or go to

For maps and directions to Kenwalt Die Casting Corp view the...

KenWalt Die Casting Company specializes in the manufacture of high quality aluminum and zinc die castings also known as Aluminum Die Castings, Zinc Die Castings, Castings, Diecastings, Aluminum Castings, Die Casting Aluminum, Die Cast Parts, Die Casting Zinc, Zinc Castings, Metal Castings, Aluminum Alloy Casting, Die-Casting, Diecasting, Mold Casting, Pressure Casting, Machine Casting, High...

KenWalt Die Casting Company specializes in high quality Aluminum Die Castings and Zinc Die Castings ISO 9001 2000 certified U S diecaster manufacturer of precision Aluminum Die Cast Parts and Zinc Die Cast Parts

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Business description (7) view all

Aluminum and Zinc Die Casting Company American Manufacturer of high quality die castings and die cast parts made in USA also known as Aluminum Die Castings, Zinc Die Castings, Castings, Diecastings, Aluminum Castings, Die Casting Aluminum, Die Casting Zinc, Zinc Castings, Metal Castings, Aluminum Alloy Casting, Die-Casting, Diecasting, Mold Casting, Pressure Casting, Machine Casting, High...

Aluminum and Zinc Die Casting Company - American Manufacturers of high quality Aluminum and Zinc Die Castings from die cast design to finished products. ISO 9001 Certified and ITAR registered. Made in USA.

Established in 1968, KenWalt Die Casting Company specializes in aluminum and zinc die castings. The company produces die cast parts in conformance to automotive, aerospace, federal, military and other applicable customer specifications. It offers an array of products and services, such as aerospace parts, automotive castings, bathroom faucets, handles, hooks, carburators, covers, decorative...

KenWalt Die Casting Company is currently listed in the small business category of less than 50 employees with management and staff having many years of experience producing high quality Aluminum Die Castings While the manipulated economy weakens manufacturing in the USA and has caused the closing of many good die casting companies, KenWalt Die Casting Company is expanding

Aluminum die casting and Zinc die casting manufacturer in Sun Valley Los Angeles California. ISO 9001 certified and ITAR registered. Made in USA since 1967.

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