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Help us make it rightBrightwood College in Modesto (formerly Kaplan College) is an accredited college of higher education offering programs in health care and criminal justice in Salida, CA.
An accredited college of higher education offering programs in health care and criminal justice in Salida, CA.
This isn't your typical learning experience.
This is Kaplan College. Choose from accredited bachelor's and associate's degrees or diploma and certificate programs in health care, business, computers, legal, and professional trades. We teach with your future in mind. Our faculty and staff members have years of professional experience and can impart real-world knowledge that can give you an...
Brightwood College in Modesto is located at 5172 Kiernan Court, Salida, CA. This business specializes in Colleges & Universities.
Brightwood College in Modesto is an accredited college of higher education offering programs in dental assisting, healthcare, vocational nursing, and respiratory care in Salida, CA.
Brightwood College in Modesto (formerly Kaplan College) is an accredited college of higher education offering programs in health care and criminal justice in Salida, CA.
Elementary and secondary schools
An accredited college of higher education offering programs in health care and criminal justice in Salida, CA.
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