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Help us make it rightJohnson & Johnson, LLC is a Kansas City criminal defense, DWI and personal injury law firm practicing in Kansas City and Missouri focusing on all personal injury, criminal defense, and traffic cases, including felonies, property crimes, domestic assault, sex charges, federal crimes, accidents, wrongful death, and DWI/DUI in Kansas City area and Missouri. Call us at 816-474-1678 for an intial...
FOR 24-HOUR EMERGENCY CALL 816-521-8249. If you have been arrested and need to speak with a Kansas City DWI or criminal defense lawyer immediately, please call 816-521-8249. We are available for free walk-in consultations at our office on Saturday mornings from 9: 00 a.m. until 12: 00 p.m. We do not charge for the first consultation, and no appointment is necessary. To talk with a Kansas City...
Rick is licensed in the State of MO and in the U.S. District Courts for the Western District of MO and the District of KS. Member of National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys Rick is the Vice-Chair of the Criminal Committee of the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association.
Rick was fantastic, instead of taking my money for a red light cam ticket he instructed me to call and ask if it was a 2 pt moving violation. Since it was not, it does not affect my ins. This has saved me time and $200+ dollars. THANKS JOHNSON & JOHNSON, LLC!
Truly talented trial attorneys
FOR 24-HOUR EMERGENCY CALL 816-521-8249. If you have been arrested and need to speak with a Kansas City DWI or criminal defense lawyer immediately, please call 816-521-8249. We are available for free walk-in consultations at our office on Saturday mornings from 9: 00 a.m. until 12: 00 p.m. We do not charge for the first consultation, and no appointment is necessary. To talk with a Kansas City...
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