Status: Closed
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Help us make it rightcalled to ask a question but they were very rude on the phone and were not very helpful. They actually hung up on me the first time. I called back and they just seemed like they had an attitude problem. … called to ask a question but they were very rude on the phone and were not very helpful. They actually hung up on me the first time. I called back and they just seemed like they had an...
Jewell Interiors Inc can be found at Burke St 940. The following is offered: Home & Garden Supplies. The entry is present with us since Sep 10, 2010 and was last updated on Nov 14, 2013. In Winston Salem there are 16 other Home & Garden Supplies. An overview can be found here.
Jewell Interiors Inc is located at 940 Burke St, Winston Salem, NC. This business specializes in Kitchen Cabinets & Counters.
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